KIDS NEWS : First Lady Encourages Children to Read

Last week, the First Lady Jeannette Kagame joined about 150 children aged 6 to 12 from several primary schools around Kigali to celebrate the International Reading Day. The event was aimed at instilling the culture of reading into children.

Monday, May 03, 2010
The children who marked the International Reading Day with the First lady, Jeannette Kagame

Last week, the First Lady Jeannette Kagame joined about 150 children aged 6 to 12 from several primary schools around Kigali to celebrate the International Reading Day. The event was aimed at instilling the culture of reading into children.

This was celebrated under the theme "Reading is Fundamental.” The event was organized by Imbuto Foundation—Mrs. Kagame`s own initiative in collaboration with UNESCO.

While addressing children, Mrs. Kagame also called upon parents to take the first initiative to read.

"Helping children to enjoy reading is not so difficult, parents only need at least 30 minutes everyday to read with their children in order to inculcate the culture at an early stage,” she said.

The First lady also promised to advocate for the setting up of public libraries in each district as a measure to increase the access and variety of reading materials.

The event was also attended by the Minister of education, Dr. Charles Murigande.
