Accuracy is fundamental to Journalism

In the spirit of advancement and protection of media freedom, Rwanda will join the rest of the world in observing World Press Freedom Day that falls on May 3, each year.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

In the spirit of advancement and protection of media freedom, Rwanda will join the rest of the world in observing World Press Freedom Day that falls on May 3, each year.

The theme this year, "Freedom of Information: The Right to Know” advocates for free exchange of accurate and balanced news and the right of the people to be updated on the accuracy and fairness of information from all over the world.

Journalists have the responsibility of strengthening the values that define Rwanda, and assist the average citizen understand the challenges our country faces and foster its overall progress.

The role of the media in educating the masses cannot be underestimated as it plays a vital role in keeping the people accurately informed on current affairs. Therefore, the media is key to ensuring a free society and in maintaining social harmony and peace.

The task, however, demands responsible and ethical conduct because access to a great mass of people gives journalists the power to exercise a high level of influence, which should be used for the good of society.

Media freedom is a basic right which inherently has its limits and those in the profession are expected to disseminate only the truth.

One of the fundamental principles in Journalism is accuracy and in the continuous quest for media freedom, the truth should never be compromised.
