The Double Standards of X–Generation Relationships

Girls dating or marrying older men is not a new thing, the only difference is that longtime ago this practice was arranged by elders. Parents chose rich and prominent men and arranged marriages purposely for material gain.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Girls dating or marrying older men is not a new thing, the only difference is that longtime ago this practice was arranged by elders. Parents chose rich and prominent men and arranged marriages purposely for material gain.

"I started dating hajji, a man who is older than my father, simply because he was the answer to all  my  financial needs, I was nineteen at the time, I very well knew he was married, but his money was had to overlook,” Zainab said.

"At first everything was going well until he started getting jealous of every male in my company  including my brothers and  classmates. Hajji was illiterate and he couldn’t understand the importance of debates or after class revision, because he was providing everything, he wanted to own me, he wanted me to report to him my every step,” Zainab recalls.

Young girls dating older men have both advantages and disadvantages. Carol a second year student of Kigali Independent University, is in an affair with a much older guy.

"Unlike some other girl, I have never been comfortable around  him,  I  pretend to like him but deep within me I die slowly every time we’re together, I just can’t wait for him to be gone, whenever he touches me I shrivel, when he calls my heart skips a beat! Basically its like am living someone else’s life, I can’t breathe,” she said.

The major reason girls date older men is largely for financial security and stability, older men have their money and investments.  Young girls on the other hand, simply lunge for their money with no thought of consequences.  

This eventually breeds older men who know exactly how to take advantage of these girls. These wicked older men like the vibrancy of youth in their lives; the excitement keeps them on their toes, the thrill of going out with a young woman makes them feel young.

Cases of older women going out with young men are also on the rise. The woman want to use him for sexual satisfaction and the guy is in for cash, most guys get into these affair not knowing that opting out of it sometimes can be stiff.

Usually these women are ugly or old that they can’t attract men of their choice, so they use their money to magnetize young, penniless men, they normally rent for them good apartments even some buys them cars but there are strings attached.

Whatever your reasons are for dating people older than your parents, the cons have always outweighed the pros, except in rare cases.