Tips For Looking Fab For Less

Everyone wants to look like a movie star, but unfortunately the professional stylists, beauticians,  expensive products etc. are well out of reach of the average person.  Fortunately none of those things are necessary for you to look amazing. 

Friday, April 30, 2010

Everyone wants to look like a movie star, but unfortunately the professional stylists, beauticians,  expensive products etc. are well out of reach of the average person. 

Fortunately none of those things are necessary for you to look amazing.  Learning a few simple techniques can vastly improve your appearance without leaving you penniless.

Beauty is only skin deep or so goes the old saying.  One thing is for sure; beauty starts with magnificent skin.  One of the quickest things one can do to improve the skins tone and appearance is to stay fully hydrated.

Dehydrated skin has less flexibility and rebound.  Hydrated skin is also easier to clean and requires less moisturizer, helping avoid clogged pores that lead to acne. 

After thoroughly cleansing the skin, re-moisturize it using an oil free product. The term "noncomedogenic” is a fancy term meaning that it doesn’t clog the pores.  This is what you should look for on your product.

Properly care and shape your eyebrows. This is a simple technique that can do wonders for your appearance.  You can do this yourself if you feel comfortable; be careful not to over-pluck.  If you aren’t sure exactly what to do, make a few trips to the salon. 

Good quality make up will be your biggest expense.  Before bankrupting yourself on a number of expensive products, do some online research.  Not all products are recommended for all people. 

Foundation is of particular importance and should match your skin tone and type.  Lipstick comes next in importance and cheap versions often look, well, cheap.

Eyeshadow and eyeliner are less important and cheap versions will usually suffice.  Sometimes the cheaper products won’t last as long, but an occasional touch up will fix that and is worth the savings. 

Nail polish is pretty much nail polish. There is no real advantage in buying expensive polish, as it too will chip and need replacing.

If you just can’t bear the thought of wearing cheap make up, shop wisely and look for sales.  Make up that comes in a kit is often cheaper than buying each item separately.

With a little planning and care, you can save money and still look like a star.  Do your homework and be on the lookout for deals and you’ll look like a million bucks without spending it.