Love is Allergic to Money

Show me a tycoon who thinks he has it all and I will show you his misery in failing to attain true love. No wonder love is referred to as a ghost that only comes to the lucky ones. A lot has been written in relation to love and money though the findings end up empty.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Show me a tycoon who thinks he has it all and I will show you his misery in failing to attain true love. No wonder love is referred to as a ghost that only comes to the lucky ones.

A lot has been written in relation to love and money though the findings end up empty. As many think money can win them dream lovers, true love goes far beyond money and possessions.

A talk about billionaires who have been only disappointed by love is as common as lunch these days!

Truly, money will never dictate love. Being rich or penniless barely changes anything when it comes to love. Otherwise, Jeniffer Lopez couldn’t have broken up with all those dudes if money had it all!

It’s not astonishing that the richest people have no marriages or no happiness in their marriage. Blame it on money. When money comes in, ofcourse people will become arrogant and take everyone for granted.

They will value all in terms of money and definitely if you start taking your partner as an asset, there is indeed a problem.

And who says that love can ever be bought? Don’t be deceived, that so called spouse who is so interested in gifts and financial aid is only after our wallet, not your heart. And if I may ask, does loving someone make you redcross or a donor?

Sincerely, love is a feeling that is mutual. It doesn’t have a formula and doesn’t follow anything. That’s why many people will just rush into marriage because they have the money to sponsor the wedding only to divorce before even a month.

Money is nothing but poison to love. Someone will call you darling while they mean devil, just because they need some of your wealth. On the contrary, true love will come to you basing on your personality, beauty and the way someone feels when they are around you.

And why corrupt someone into loving you because of those cheap gifts? A reward to a lover is okay but what do you have to say about cross generational sex where teenagers are lured into sleeping with their grandfathers/grandmothers because they have been bribed into it?

I really envy our ancestors; they truly loved their spouses regardless of conditions like filthy money. Yes, though our fathers were feather weight, their wives patiently waited for what tomorrow would bring. But look at where they are now, still settled as we divorce!

Meanwhile, the ideal dude/girl these days is one who drives and has some cash to throw about! Such a pity that we often forget that our partners’ cars belong to them, not us. And sincerely, if you loved someone because of something, is that true love. Probably when he loses the money, the next thing he will lose will be you!

Money is helpful but don’t let it ruin your true feelings. Remember, it’s only made and anyone can acquire it. Better to concentrate on the one you love as you look for the wealth than look around for problematic rich fellows. A bird in hand is worth twenty in the bush.