SMS voting for Groove Awards begins

SMS voting for the Groove Awards 2010 grand finale has kicked off. This is in a bid to encourage Rwandans to participate in the selection of the six nominees who will represent Rwanda. 

Friday, April 23, 2010
Diane Nkusi, Aimu00e9 Uwimana

SMS voting for the Groove Awards 2010 grand finale has kicked off. This is in a bid to encourage Rwandans to participate in the selection of the six nominees who will represent Rwanda. 

To vote by SMS write the word "Shima 1” to vote for Aime Uwimana, "Shima 2”, for Albert Shala, "Shima 3” for Alexis Dusabe, "Shima 4” for Diane Nkusi, "Shima 5” for Patrick Nyamitari and "Shima 6” for The Sister—then send to (123).

This year’s ceremony sees the introduction of new country categories to give the event a regional fete.

Rwanda and Burundi will join Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda in the East African category and will each have their own ‘Artist of the Year’.

The 2010 Groove Awards with Skiza seeks to promote, expose and celebrate gospel talent across East Africa.

This is the 5th Edition and will be held on May 1, at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC).
