Wrestling and Anger Management

In today’s civilization where anger management has turned out as a form means of survival, the wrestling sport has presented itself as a productive form of its implementation. The first time I watched a wrestling game was decades ago in my kindergarten.

Friday, April 23, 2010

In today’s civilization where anger management has turned out as a form means of survival, the wrestling sport has presented itself as a productive form of its implementation.

The first time I watched a wrestling game was decades ago in my kindergarten. The event looked awful and since then, I always imagined why on earth human beings could be so rough to garrote their fellows in such a manner.

It’s hard to believe that the wrestling as a sport is only a martial art and not for human abuse because of the physical moves used. It was just yesterday when I learnt that wrestling tames the red tempered athletes.

When the ancient Greeks founded wrestling about 15,000 years ago, their notorious inmates and other rough minded fellows became interested. The sport turned out rougher than they imagined.

The initiators also focused on engaging the strong, the merciless and the hot tempered as a way of making the sport fit their anticipated fun.

When the then rivals, the Romans imported wrestling into their territory they put a difference. They eliminated much of the brutality and instead of the red tempers flaring they included rules to regulate the sport.

Today, when the most naturally brutal and merciless wrestlers are recruited into the sport, they involuntarily learn to control their anger by controlling their own griddles during the game. Even the heavy headed bow to the rules of the sport for better scores, hence anger management is implemented.

African wrestling is different from the Olympic type and was a royal house’s favorite sport. The cruel war captives were pardoned when they met the king’s favor because of their wrestling talents. They were gradually transformed into patriots of their new lands and no more the cruel captives behind bars.

The magic of anger management worked though they didn’t really intend to tackle that.

In professional wrestling, wrestlers don’t retain their anger but manage it to gain points.
