Health workers donate to genocide survivors

GICUMBI – Medical personnel at Byumba Health Center and other public health workers in Byumba Sector on Tuesday raised Rwf237,000 towards the support of genocide survivors in Nyarutarama cell, Gicumbi district.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

GICUMBI – Medical personnel at Byumba Health Center and other public health workers in Byumba Sector on Tuesday raised Rwf237,000 towards the support of genocide survivors in Nyarutarama cell, Gicumbi district.

The health center’s director, Papias Iyakaremye, said the support was in line with the government’s efforts geared towards healing wounds left behind by the genocide.

"Assisting genocide survivors helps to eradicate trauma among them and promotes unity of Rwandans,” said Iyakaremye. 

The officer in-charge of Byumba Sector Social Affairs, Phanuel Nzitabakuze said part of the support would be used to build a cow shed and buy foodstuffs for a genocide widow, Eugenie Mukashema.  

"A total of Rwf80,000 was also set aside to buy a cow for another genocide survivor of Rugarama village Yves Fabrice Gashumba, in addition to constructing terraces in his farm land,” Nzitabakuze disclosed. 

Nzitabakuze added that the program to assist genocide survivors shall continue in other cells of Byumba Sector, throughout the ongoing genocide commemoration period.
