How to Keep Your Dreams Alive

Instead of sitting down and calling it quits, this is the time to review your strategies and keep your dream alive!!!Try these simple rules so that you can get back on your feet.

Monday, April 19, 2010
You are your greatest motivation.

Instead of sitting down and calling it quits, this is the time to review your strategies and keep your dream alive!!!
Try these simple rules so that you can get back on your feet.

• Pen down your dream on a paper

• Believe that you can make it because when you believe in yourself others also believe in you.

• If it requires aim, pull strings together so that you can get some money just make sure that the means are legal.

• If parents or anyone else can help, then involve them and believe that you can be the greatest motivation of your dream.

However there are 5 commandments to take note of;

1. Do not be tempted into expecting quick money.
2. Do not be loved into compromising your integrity.
3. Do not quit.

4. Silence those voices putting you down.
5. You cannot know how good a drug is until you try it out. Be sure to expect results.