Did you know…

• Fear of Friday the 13th — one of the most popular myths in science — is called paraskavedekatriaphobia as well as friggatriskaidekaphobia. Triskaidekaphobia is fear of the number 13.

Monday, April 19, 2010

• Fear of Friday the 13th — one of the most popular myths in science — is called paraskavedekatriaphobia as well as friggatriskaidekaphobia. Triskaidekaphobia is fear of the number 13.

• Hotels will not have a floor 13 and skip from floor 12 to floor 14 due to the universal superstition of bad luck

• Pope was living 85 years - sum of those numbers = 13

• Pope died on 2.04.2005 - sum of those numbers = 13

• Pope died at 21.37 - again - sum is equal.... 13

• Only that time Holy Mother was showing herself to 3 children in Fatima

• On 13th May 1981 - Pope was wounded and that time was saved by Holy Mother

• On 13th Pope went to the hospital for the first time
• On 13th died the last child of the three from Fatima to whom Holy Mother showed up.

• Pope died on 02.04.2005 at 21.37... Add all those numbers....

2+4+2+5 = 13
2+1+3+7 = 13

And after 26 years of pontificate...he died in the 13th week of the year.

• Pope was living for exactly 31 thousands days, reverse figures...you will get again 13!!!

• Fidel Castro was born on Friday, Aug. 13, 1926.

• In regard to Friday, this too had a reputation of being a bad day. Here is just a small smattering of well known biblical events that all happened on a Friday – Jesus was crucified and Eve tempted Adam with an apple on a Friday. Today however, if you are an employee, you hang out and crave for Friday being the last working day of the week.

Friday James is a S6 student at Lycee De Kigali Secondary School

Contact: jamiefrings@yahoo.com