Finances:Have Faith

Many people think that matters of faith and matters of money are very different things. That faith is a moral issue while money is an immoral one.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Many people think that matters of faith and matters of money are very different things. That faith is a moral issue while money is an immoral one.

They have never been further from the truth. Faith is at the center of many things money. Creation and accumulation wealth most of the time begins like a figment of imagination grows into a huge desire before it becomes into a reality.

In Think and Grow Rich, the most popular guide to financial freedom in he last decade, the first step to financial freedom to have faith.

It says that Faith is the "eternal elixir” which gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought! It is the starting point of all accumulation of riches and the basis of all "miracles”, and all mysteries which cannot be analyzed by the rules of science!

In supposed dereference to the link between money and faith, it says that Faith is the element, the "chemical” which, when mixed with prayer, gives one direct communication with the Infinite Intelligence.

To sum it up, Faith is also the only known antidote for Failure!

Making money is not just a wish but a mindset. If you have a poverty mindset you will never be rich. Have you met people who are always grumbling about how they are made to be poor, how their salaries are never enough and how their financial problems never cease, instead increasing all the time. Such people can never be rich.

Even if they win the lottery they will start worrying about how they are going to lose all that money and return to poverty inn o time, and indeed they do.

Sometimes it come from their background, but if one has the strength enough to snap out of the conditioning of his childhood in poverty and realize that they can be rich, they begin to have a chance.

No one is made to be rich. True some people are born with silver spoons in their mouths but if at all they end up richer than they were born, it is because they have been conditioned to be rich.

They have been brought up with a rich mindset, so they already have the faith and desire and rest is history.

Mindset however is not a fixed idea. Mindset is simply an attitude, so poor people can have a rich mindset just as rich people can have a poor mindset.

That is the reason why it is said that knowledge is power. If a person with a poverty mindset gains knowledge and sees that his poverty does limit his potential to be rich, then that is a mindset on the way to change.

Next week we will discover how we can change our mindset and use faith to become wealthier.
