The Meaning of Rings on Fingers

A finger ring is a circular band worn as a type of ornamental jewellery around a finger. Rings are worn by both men and women and can be of any quality. Rings can be made of metal, plastic, wood and gemstone and other materials.

Friday, April 16, 2010

A finger ring is a circular band worn as a type of ornamental jewellery around a finger.

Rings are worn by both men and women and can be of any quality. Rings can be made of metal, plastic, wood and gemstone and other materials.

The thumb symbolizes the will power in a person. This finger is connected with the inner self of a person. In case you have been told to wear a ring on this finger, you would need to be especially attentive to the changes that happen in your life. The ring would then help to boost your willpower.

The index finger represents authority, leadership and ambition. It’s considered to represent a certain kind of power. This was particularly seen in the ancient days when powerful Kings wore rings on their index finger, wearing a ring on this finger would help make a statement without saying a word.

The middle finger represents individuality of a person, it symbolizes a balanced life. A ring on this finger would help balance your life.

The fourth finger is ring finger and considerably on the left hand since it has a direct connection to the heart. The wedding ring is worn on this finger and it also represents emotions.

The shortest and smallest finger represents everything about relationships. This little finger represents our attitude towards others. Wearing a ring on this finger would help one to enhance their relationships particularly in terms of marriage and helps to improve business relationships as well. It also helps to change a person’s attitude towards relationships for better.

Rings are important; one should first plan before wearing any kind of ring, its better if the beauty of the ring is not ignored.
Wearing a ring on the right hand would help in being optimistic in your life.
