Sex education is not important

I read a write up in one of the recent issues of,” THE NEW TIMES”, advocating necessity of sex education. Sex is a biological instinct given by nature for procreation of species. No formal sex education was imparted to our fore fathers and ancestors but still humanity has been progressing. Giving formal sex education is a trend which started from the western countries some decades ago.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I read a write up in one of the recent issues of,” THE NEW TIMES”, advocating necessity of sex education.

Sex is a biological instinct given by nature for procreation of species. No formal sex education was imparted to our fore fathers and ancestors but still humanity has been progressing. Giving formal sex education is a trend which started from the western countries some decades ago.

Now it has become fashionable to talk about, "sex education is necessary”, among the intellectuals of society.  No wonder if people advocate for it so strongly, someday maybe Universities will be offering diplomas and degrees on sex.

But before it becomes part of the curriculum, one should review the scenario in countries where it is already prevalent. U.K. and U.S have high number of teenage pregnancies, probably the most in the world, in spite of formal sex education being present there in schools for a long time.

The girl barely entering puberty becomes pregnant and the father in question may be another adolescent. Either this girl goes for abortion with its consequent health/psycho-social hazards or she delivers. Now the education and career of the girl (barring few exceptions) is finished. 

She will take up small time jobs to support herself and the child, which is all she can do. The boy is not in a position to handle responsibilities of Fatherhood and is not even interested. He moves away scot free to enjoy another casual date. Both are at risk of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases and even HIV.

When these adolescents grow up and get married, they lose interest in sex because they have experimented so much of it before.

Therefore drugs   like Viagra are sold like hot cakes.   Having had so many affairs before, mutual trust between 2 spouses is lost. Result is high rate of broken marriages. 

The children born out of such alliances between adolescents   are often neglected because the parents consider them a nuisance instead of a product of love as happens in a mature formal relation.

Social assistance given by the government or non governmental agencies cannot substitute for the love and guidance a child receives in a normal family. These children turn to be juvenile delinquents. This is one of the reasons for high rate of crime and drug abuse in youngsters in the developed nations.

Now why so much of chaos in nations which are economically so strong and developed? One of the causes is sex education. When imparted theory, they are tempted to do practicals. Without realizing what they are doing, they just have sex for the fun of it.

Another reason for sexual promiscuity is much exposure of children and adolescents to sex through movies, T.V. channels and internet.

As such, due to hormonal changes in the body during adolescence, there is a very strong attraction towards the opposite sex. If left unchecked or encouraged, a child is bound to experiment with sex.

This is also the formative phase of one’s life, for forming a career and personality. Those who waste their time in frivolous activities like sex never ever get back the time lost.

Thus they would lag behind their contemporary colleagues in life who made use of that time in studying and useful creative activities. Result is after becoming grown up adults they feel frustrated and depressed.

Therefore instead of educating children about sex, it is important to channel their minds and energy into education and other creative work. Sex is not needed to improve productivity and development of any country.  It is disciplined, energetic, skilled and hard working youth which can develop a nation.

When involved in creative work, minds of adolescents will be diverted to something useful instead of sex. Of course, they should be warned against anyone abusing them for sex. But beyond that, no more discussions and discourse on sex is needed.

Need of the hour is not sex education for children, but teaching self discipline and keeping them engaged suitably and creatively.

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