The Hater: I hate people who…

…are in charge of fixing the main taxi park in Nyabugogo. Oh my God! Have you guys been to this place lately, especially after a rainy day? It is one place that confirms the fact that Rwanda is an agricultural country.

Friday, March 19, 2010

…are in charge of fixing the main taxi park in Nyabugogo.
 Oh my God! Have you guys been to this place lately, especially after a rainy day? It is one place that confirms the fact that Rwanda is an agricultural country.

Honestly does it not look like one huge rice garden to you? It has the biggest potholes in East Africa that are sometimes filled with sewage, stones, rain water, mud or a combination of all.

The lower end sometimes looks like an abandoned valley dam. And sometimes the vehicles seem like tractors ploughing a plot of land.

Now someone should give me one reason why I should not hate those responsible for fixing this place. Is this place not part of the clean Kigali city that the world is now accustomed to? 

…continue to dig up our nice city roads.
 I understand the need for development especially in the ICT sector. However you all need to understand my feelings here.

It now looks like a monthly duty for some people to dig up a section of the roads in Kigali once again tampering with the general beauty of the city. The section from Kinamba to the US embassy has suffered most.

You find tunnels being dug after almost every ten metres. Does this place have precious stones like gold? At first I thought they were indeed mining gold in the city centre! And don’t tell me about fibre optics.

I have heard that line so many times without noticing any changes with my internet service.   

…think everyone they see is a customer.
Business in Kigali city is becoming more and more competitive by the day. Everyone is working harder than before. As The Hater, I just have a problem with those guys who work in barber shops.

They have this annoying habit of standing outside the saloon and calling on each and every person they see to come in for a haircut.

The other day I had just walked out of one and as I passed the next one, the guys beckoned me to go for a haircut. They could not even tell that I had just had one.

And they call you all sorts of weird titles in the process e.g Grand Frère, Brother, Nigga, Petit, Boss, Hey stop it! My name is The Hater, and my hair is fine.  

…wear dark shades all the time.
I have totally failed to understand why some fools invest time and money in concealing their eyes. I am talking about those guys who wear dark shades to the nightclubs for instance.

Others continue to wear then long after the hot sun has retired. These are the same guys who keep bumping into other sober citizens in the evening simply because they have altered their sight abilities.

It is ok to be smart but this should not be done at the expense of maintaining sanity.
…call you after a long time and blame you for not calling them.
It is always nice to hear from a long lost friend. I just hate it when the same person starts complaining about how I have taken ages without communicating with him/her.

They even have guts of accusing me of not being their friend anymore. Listen my friend, it takes two to tango. If you are not happy with my silence you must know that I never signed an agreement compelling me to call you first or even regularly.

Can we now talk about something else?

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to or a text message to + 250 758 545293.