Many times we blame our present situations on past experiences. Not that we should forget the past completely, but we should pick lessons in order to make a better future. I’ve learnt that many times, “the weakest pen is stronger than the strongest mind”. Do not think of ideas and keep them in your head. Writing them down is a wise thing to do because it not only offloads your head but also makes the ideas more achievable.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Many times we blame our present situations on past experiences. Not that we should forget the past completely, but we should pick lessons in order to make a better future. I’ve learnt that many times, "the weakest pen is stronger than the strongest mind”.

Do not think of ideas and keep them in your head. Writing them down is a wise thing to do because it not only offloads your head but also makes the ideas more achievable.

Another step to achieving what you desire is signing a life improvement contract with yourself. Just like any other contract, it will bind you to your set terms. You may need to adapt an entirely different lifestyle.

Ask yourself "do I like the life I am living?” if yes, thank God and try to maintain it. If not then its time to stop complaining and design an improvement plan!

You need to asses your current situation, visualize the destination you want and then make a road map to get there. Here are some of the habits of the world’s successful people which you can adapt in order to become successful.

Planning; always plan! Failing to plan is planning to fail.
Seek opportunities; take advantage of unusual opportunities. Where other people see obstacles, look for solutions because that’s when you stand out.

Take risks; the biggest risk in life is not taking any risk at all. You should learn to do things which seem impossible because everything is impossible until proven possible.

Efficiency and Quality; for everything you do, strive to do it better, faster and cheaper in order to save time and money. In this way you contribute dearly to the vision 2020.

Persistence; when you have a positive attitude, you don’t let falling down stop you from moving on but rather, you let it encourage you and toughen you up for the next phase! While you get up, clean your hands and keep moving.

Failure shouldn’t be an option if you want to be the best.
Self Confidence; be confident enough to put to table what you need, ask for it, then go out and get it! Shyness and timidity has never been the key.

Network and build relationships; learn to make friends and keep them, develop and maintain a dependable network of contacts. Mix with the right people who’ll add value to your life.

Time management; we all have 24 hours a day; eight for sleep, eight for work and the remaining eight for whatever you want to do. The difference between successful and unsuccessful people lies in the way they use the eight remaining hours of the day.

Therefore, personal improvement begins with you; your values, attitude, habits, lifestyle, goals and aspirations. Once you have these clear, then the journey will be simpler!

The author is a student at Riviera High School