Did you just say marriage?

I grew up respecting elders’ advice and they surely helped me whenever I was in a tight situation. Proverbs quotes and sayings of the wise were like a torch in the darkness. Now I am at a cross-road! I don’t know which way to take! Should I skip all these warnings given to me by older-wiser men and women and go ahead and marry? Down here are some of the proverbs, quotes and sayings of the wise about marriage and women that stand in my way of marriage.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I grew up respecting elders’ advice and they surely helped me whenever I was in a tight situation. Proverbs quotes and sayings of the wise were like a torch in the darkness. Now I am at a cross-road! I don’t know which way to take!

Should I skip all these warnings given to me by older-wiser men and women and go ahead and marry? Down here are some of the proverbs, quotes and sayings of the wise about marriage and women that stand in my way of marriage.

-Honest men marry quickly but wise men not at all.
-After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin; they just can’t face each other, but still stay together.

-Call no man unhappy until he is married.
-A woman’s mind is cleaner than a man’s, she changes it more often.

-It is wise to apologize to a man if you are wrong and to a woman if you’re right.
-Marry in haste, repent at leisure.

-Three rings of marriage are engagement ring, the wedding ring, and the suffering.
-Love is one long sweet dream, marriage is the alarm clock.

-If you get a good wife you will become very happy, if you get a bad one you become a philosopher. (Socrates)
-A man in love is incomplete until he is married. Then he’s finished.

-Love is blind, marriage restores the sight!
-There’s nothing in the world like the devotion of a married woman. Its one thing married men know nothing about!
-Everyman plays a fool once in his life, but to marry is to play the fool all life long.

-The only times when spouses are most universally appreciated seem to be before the wedding and after the funeral.

-When a man steals your wife, there’s no better revenge than to let him keep her!
-God created women beautiful and foolish; beautiful so that men love them, foolish so that they love men.

- Unmarried men know much about women that’s why they don’t marry.
-Marriage is the worst age one should live it last.
There are many scary proverbs, sayings and examples on the subject. Even the advice to married people is not that inviting. Bachelors hear this!

-If you want your wife to listen, talk to another woman.
-If you want her to listen attentively, talk in your sleep!
-The best way to always remember your wife’s birthday is to forget it once!

-Always remember your woman’s birthday and forget her age.
 Compiled by
Martin Bishop
