Change is a fact of life; how do you deal with it?

There is something that has a constant and dramatic effect in our life and that is the law of change. It states that everything is in the process of becoming something else. Change happens everywhere and with everyone and happens constantly. In Outer Space change is occurring. In the subatomic world, where particles are colliding with one another and morphing into something else in hundredths of a second, change is happening.

Friday, March 12, 2010

There is something that has a constant and dramatic effect in our life and that is the law of change. It states that everything is in the process of becoming something else.

Change happens everywhere and with everyone and happens constantly. In Outer Space change is occurring. In the subatomic world, where particles are colliding with one another and morphing into something else in hundredths of a second, change is happening.

In our own lives change is the one constant that we can be absolutely sure of. So why don’t we live our lives acknowledging this and initiate change on a regular basis, thus putting ourselves in harmony and rhythm with this process? Why is change so hard to embrace? We must learn to be comfortable with change and eventually embrace it.

Experts write that there are three main factors that are the causes of change in our life: choice, chance and crisis. All three carry power and have a particular dynamic. Of the three I prefer choice.

Choice allows one to have a role in directing and choosing the changes, rather than having them just happen.

Working with the dynamics of choice means embracing change as a constant reality in our life, being vigilant in looking for changes that would help us, and then being proactive in initiating them.

In business there is an old maxim that says that no business stays the same year after year.

You are either gaining market share or losing market share; you are either innovating new products and gaining on your competition or your competition is innovating new products and gaining on you. You are becoming either more competitive or less competitive.

So too in our relationships with our friends, children, parents, spouses or co-workers; all are in the process of becoming something else.

Through using the dynamics of choice we can choose to deepen and enrich the relationships that are important to us.

Our health will not remain the same. Our choices in diet, exercise, thoughts and lifestyle will all have their effect. You are now participating and becoming the law of change in your own life.

Chance is the word we use when we don’t know or understand why something has happened to us. From a Mind-Power perspective, very few things happen by pure chance.

We are on a far better footing, both metaphysically and practically, if we assume responsibility for what is happening in our life and get on with it, rather than believing that our life’s circumstances have nothing to do with us.

Like A.J Foyt wrote, "Luck is when preparation meets opportunity”. Chance is like luck, and yes, both exist. Initiate positive change in your life regularly and chance and luck will favor you.

Everyone will experience crisis at different times in their life. Marriages break up, businesses fail, a death happens in the family, we lose our job and we get wiped out financially.

While crises are never enjoyable, they are almost always transformational. Why? Because the crisis forces us to make changes we never would have made prior to the crisis.

Comfort is the enemy of change, and when we are too comfortable in our present situation, we often resist the impulse to make change.

Change happens through choice, chance and crisis. Change your life through choice, and, as Ghandi said, "Be the change you want to see in life.”

Nyagapfizi Emmanuel is a Management Information Systems manager