STORY CORNER : Anne starts school

Once upon a time, there was a girl called Anne, who had a cousin sister called Ingrid. Ingrid’s father was a prominent business man. Anne liked studying very much, but her parents were poor, and they couldn’t afford to pay her school fees. So Anne spent all her time at home waiting for Ingrid to come back from school.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Once upon a time, there was a girl called Anne, who had a cousin sister called Ingrid. Ingrid’s father was a prominent business man.

Anne liked studying very much, but her parents were poor, and they couldn’t afford to pay her school fees. So Anne spent all her time at home waiting for Ingrid to come back from school.

One evening Ingrid asked her father to assist Anne, as her parents could not get means of paying for her education.
Ingrid’s father refused to pay for Anne, saying that he had no money to waste.

This made Ingrid so sad because her best friend and cousin could not go to school. She worried so much that her parents noticed a decline in her school grades.

He appetite for food was so low that she lost weight. She later lost interst in her school work and spent all her time talking about Anne.

Every day, Ingrid pleaded with her parents to help pay Anne’s school fees.

When Ingrid’s pleas continued, her parents thought about it and decided that she was serious. Her father accepted to pay school fees for Anne. When Anne was told the good news she became very happy, and thanked her cousin and parents for helping her.

Anne and Ingrid worked hard and when they completed their education, they got jobs. After sometime they agreed to buy a very big modern house for their parents as a sign of appreciation.

After that, Anne always tells her experience to everyone she meets. She tells of how the kindness that was shown to her by Ingrid’s family helped her to become educated and successful.

A Kinyarwanda proverb, ‘‘Ugiraneza ukayisanga imbere’’, which literally means, "Be generous and proceed forward”, helps us to find the generosity like Ingrid showed to Anne.
