Naturally rejuvenate your skin

Some people say, “Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder,” but this quote can be modified to some extent by enhancing your beauty. Most people want to look beautiful, and are willing to spend plenty of money achieving it; however, the truest beauty is natural. Forget hours under a dermatologist’s care, expensive skin care treatments or painful cosmetic surgery: Opt for natural beauty tips that can be used any time and which do not have any ill effects.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Some people say, "Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder,” but this quote can be modified to some extent by enhancing your beauty. Most people want to look beautiful, and are willing to spend plenty of money achieving it; however, the truest beauty is natural.

Forget hours under a dermatologist’s care, expensive skin care treatments or painful cosmetic surgery: Opt for natural beauty tips that can be used any time and which do not have any ill effects.

The basic requirement of using these tips is that these natural tips will not harm your skin instead; they easily help to bring out your inner beauty inexpensively.

To maintain your beauty, the foremost step should be to pay attention at your skin which is the most important aspect of our physical beauty since it enhances our entire appearance.

• Drink More Water: It’s easy to forget, especially in cooler weather, that the human body is roughly 90 percent water. Water acts as a body purifier that removes all body toxins. Moreover, by drinking water, moisture is retained in the skin which further gives it a natural glow.

Two of the first signs of dehydration are headaches and dry skin, therefore it’s a good idea to keep a bottle or glass of water handy and sip from it throughout the day.

• Eat a balanced diet. This important factor helps in maintaining your natural beauty. 

• Take Off Makeup and let Your Skin Breathe: The skin excretes more toxins than any other organ in the human body, "by osmosis”. Every cell of the skin virtually breathes.

Women’s makeup creates a layer against the skin that can trap dirt, sweat, and toxins coming out of the pores. Is it any wonder that women who wear the heaviest cosmetics often have the worst skin underneath? Do your skin a favor and try going makeup-free for a day or two.

• Exfoliating your skin time and again. Doing this weekly helps you to rejuvenate your skin. Not just this, the pores of the skin are unlocked on applying exfoliating creams. For this purpose, one can use sea salt and rub it on the face slowly. This opens the clogged pores. After rubbing it gently, wash your face with cold water.

• Apply a moisturizer. This gives your skin a moisturizing boost that helps a lot in cold or dry climates. This will revitalize the skin and will provide a glow.

Different weather conditions also affect our natural beauty and to maintain glowing skin, we need to keep away from sun and dry winds. For this purpose, we should try to sit indoor. Use sunscreen lotions when moving out of the home in sun and if required apply them twice or thrice. Even a hat can keep you away from direct sun rays.

• Nourish your skin from the outside. Use natural oils like almond, coconut, avocado or extra virgin olive oil which also works brilliantly as part of facial oil cleanse or rubbed on after a shower to restore skins moisture.

• Workout: Exercise fills the body with endorphins and yields a warm, natural glow. Sweating during a workout is good for your skin, driving out toxins and leaving clearer skin in its wake.

• Be Happy and Do Something You Love Every Day: Happy people glow with an inner radiance. Taking a moment to do something you love fulfills inner needs and brings out your joy, relaxation, and the beauty within, at least as important as anything else you might do to create smooth, radiant skin.

Finally take time to learn the ingredients in your Skin and Hair care products Skin needs a lot of care and concern.

Artificial Chemicals in personal care products can cause skin reactions such as dandruff, dryness, rashes, eczema, and acne, Go all-natural if you can and keep away from side effects.

If you want to get rid of the expensive trips to the beauty parlor, these natural tips can serve you the best.
