FROM THE EDITOR : Take time to enjoy nature

Have you heard of jokes about a kid being asked the source of milk and it proudly answers, “The Fridge”? You wouldn’t blame the kid for thinking and saying that since all it has seen is milk being poured from a pint kept in the fridge. What does this tell us? That we should venture out. Make children love nature by taking them out to the farm so they can see where what they eat and drink comes from. Teach the children to appreciate nature by taking walks with them or even going for picnics.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Have you heard of jokes about a kid being asked the source of milk and it proudly answers, "The Fridge”? You wouldn’t blame the kid for thinking and saying that since all it has seen is milk being poured from a pint kept in the fridge.

What does this tell us? That we should venture out. Make children love nature by taking them out to the farm so they can see where what they eat and drink comes from. Teach the children to appreciate nature by taking walks with them or even going for picnics.

Tell your children about the beauty of their country. Train yourself too so that you can easily identify the various attractions in various parts of the country, where Gorillas can be found, where the museums are, the volcanoes, the lakes, hills and mountains and a lot more.

Today, we shall share with you the Kivu Experience. The author will give you a breathtaking narration of the equally breathtaking Lake Kivu, the many sights and sensations it has to offer and hopefully make you want to experience them first had.

So, without further ado, enjoy your favourite weekend companion the SundayMag.
