Kids Jokes about Animals:

Q: What bug is welcome in apartments?A: Ten-ants. Q: Where do ants eat?A: At a restaur-ant. Q: What is the biggest ant in the world?A: An eleph-ant.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Q: What bug is welcome in apartments?
A: Ten-ants.

Q: Where do ants eat?
A: At a restaur-ant.

Q: What is the biggest ant in the world?
A: An eleph-ant.

Q: What’s even bigger than that?
A: A gi-ant!

Q: What does an octopus wear in the winter?
A: A coat of arms.

Q: What bird is always out of breath?
A: A puffin.

Q: What do porcupines say after they kiss?
A: "Ouch”!

Q: What does a cat like to eat on a hot summer’s day?
A: A mice cream cone.
