Why this rare and weird mood!!!!!!!

Do you know what it means when your boyfriendgets quiet, “zones out” and acts like he doesn’twant to talk to you? One minute everything feels great and you’re laughing and connecting and the next minute some weird “mood” comes over him and he goes off into his own little world. Or maybe your relationship is chugging along at full speed, getting closer and closer, and suddenly you feel like YOU are the only one  reaching out and connecting...and he is just sitting there? What’s up with that?  Why do men do this?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Do you know what it means when your boyfriend
gets quiet, "zones out” and acts like he doesn’t
want to talk to you? One minute everything feels great and you’re laughing and connecting and the next minute some
weird "mood” comes over him and he goes off into
his own little world.

Or maybe your relationship is chugging along at full speed, getting closer and closer, and suddenly you feel like YOU are the only one  reaching out and connecting...and he is just sitting there? What’s up with that?  Why do men do this?

If this has ever happened to you, I want you to know that it’s critical for you to know WHY - and what to do about it (and what to AVOID doing at all costs). PAY ATTENTION: Because this is important:

How you react in a situation like this can mean the difference between him KNOWING the one woman
who can make him happy, or feeling unsure about
the future of your relationship. Many desperate people in relationships like this one have many unanswered questions.. You can take a look.
My boyfriend and I have been together for almost one year and we are very serious about each other. We are even talking about marriage and we have already moved in together.

So what’s the problem you ask?

Even after all this time, I still find myself trying to figure out what he’s thinking sometimes. Sometimes he’s a mystery to me, why he does and says some of the things he does, and this scares me a lot and makes me crazy since we are so serious about each other.

For example, sometimes he just gets quiet and won’t talk to me. And it doesn’t have to be anything going wrong like a fight or anything for this to happen.

He says that he needs his alone time, but I sense that it’s because of something I have done that makes him shut down.

I’d really like to fix it if I could. I wish I knew how to read these things better or if I even should be reading
anything into it at all. Can anyone help????

Many women believe that when a man acts "disengaged” it is because he’s not happy, or he’s unsatisfied, or he doesn’t want to be with you and wants to be with someone else. NOT SO!

As a matter of fact, thinking that there’s something wrong with the relationship when a man gets quiet is one of what I call the "Man Myths”that a lot of women believe about men.

The way your boyfriend is behaving is TYPICAL and to be expected of a man in a relationship.  It doesn’t mean something is WRONG...for example: Has your guy ever done this?

-- Made plans to spend a night alone with "the
guys” after several intense and romantic days
with you

-- Go and "zone out” in front of the T.V. or
computer after dinner or after a long conversation
with you, and acts irritated when you try to
interrupt him

-- Spend huge chunks of time on weekends
tinkering around the garage or working on his
hobby and not engaged or interested in spending
time with you

I’d bet that he’s done this more than once... and when he does, what do YOU think about what’s going through his mind? Do you start wondering if he’s angry about something you did or said, or is somehow DISAPPROVING of you in some way? Do you wonder if he cares LESS about you in that moment, or is questioning your relationship? Do you start to talk yourself into feeling, "ok, well he’s into his own thing, so I’m going  to go off and be into mine.”

Or do you think, "well I need to fill my time with other interests since he is OBVIOUSLY not interested in spending his precious time with me.”

If you find yourself thinking any of these things, chances are pretty good that you’re reacting to him in a way that sends a very negative message - a message that is GUARANTEED to send him packing or push him away from you.

That’s because you’re reacting to a MYTH that you heard somewhere about men - that men really don’t care about spending quality, intimate time with their wives or partners.

What’s worse, though, is that by believing the myth that men need alone time BECAUSE they don’t care about you, or would rather NOT talk because they’re disapproving of you in any way is probably causing you to behave in a way that is DESTRUCTIVE to your relationship.

Wish you the very best in your relationship.
