I am a young lady and an executive in a big corporate. I have a very good job which I am not ready to leave because of one lady who happens to be my direct boss. She likes humiliating me at every given opportunity.If I dress smartly she says that I am competing with her. If I buy myself an expensive item she says that I take bribes from clients. When she finds two people talking- she says that people are discussing her.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I am a young lady and an executive in a big corporate. I have a very good job which I am not ready to leave because of one lady who happens to be my direct boss.

She likes humiliating me at every given opportunity.
If I dress smartly she says that I am competing with her.

If I buy myself an expensive item she says that I take bribes from clients. When she finds two people talking- she says that people are discussing her.

During the office meetings- she says all manner of lies just so that she makes other bosses believe that I don’t do my work as I should.

Our secretary is always in tears because of her. What do I do, I feel very frustrated yet I don’t want to resign because of her.


Dear Minnie,

These frustrations and humiliations that some staff members in some companies have to undergo sometimes go too far, especially when you are not in a position to defend or help yourself.

You can not miss such from any these corporate. But you can decide to take the humiliations in your stride so that they make you a better person and employee. Sometimes these things that we go through – prepare us for a better tomorrow.

It is amazing how fast people forget, if you check properly you will find that this boss started where you are right now or even lower, while she was fortunate because her bosses nurtured and developed her up to where she is right now, she in turn feels threatened by her juniors and mistreats them – very unprofessional I must say for someone in her position.

First of all, I sense fear in this woman- that is why she is threatened by your every move. Maybe, and I repeat maybe she has heard rumours that your promotion is on the way and that is why she is trying to hinder your going up the ladder so that you don’t find her there to enjoy the goodies she is enjoying.

Some people go to extremes to see that their colleagues are not promoted, so that they are the only ones who are seen as the shining stars in that company.

What I can advise you to do is to seek audience with one of your other bosses whom you feel comfortable with so that you can air your troubles. When you go to talk to your boss let it not sound like you have gone to report or back bite your immediate boss, but to seek advice on how to go about it.

As for anything else, life should continue. Let this woman not threaten you- and if she continues to behave badly give her a piece of your mind, then sit back and watch her recoil.

There are some things that you should know- some things are not given but taken, you will wait forever if you think anybody is going to think for you or to think of you.

Climbing the ladder in the corporate world is a man eat man and a very lonely journey- so be prepared for nastier things to come your way, but for you to achieve your lifetime goals you must develop a thick skin and move on.

Do your work as usual and keep your head high do not allow yourself to be intimidated by your boss or anyone else for that matter ever again.
