Intelligence: Is it merely inherited or can it be attained?

What makes us intelligent?  Do we inherit intelligence from our parents or can some skills be learnt? For many years, IQ or Intelligence Quotient was considered by many to be the best measure of human intelligence.  But recently, many factors like self-discipline, memory, perseverance and appropriate emotional behavior have been recognized as important as or even more important than mere IQ.

Friday, February 19, 2010

What makes us intelligent?  Do we inherit intelligence from our parents or can some skills be learnt? For many years, IQ or Intelligence Quotient was considered by many to be the best measure of human intelligence.

But recently, many factors like self-discipline, memory, perseverance and appropriate emotional behavior have been recognized as important as or even more important than mere IQ.

Some of these talents are hereditary but we have found that they can also be learnt and assimilated into our lives by mimicking role models with such talents, or learning special techniques.

It’s a fact that humans are at the apex of the animal kingdom for one reason, their human intelligence which is the highest achievement of evolution.  Hundreds of species have died out over thousands of years but the most intelligent and adaptable specie to walk and dominate the planet, us.

The human brain is very unique.  For all the millions of dollars spent on computer hardware and software, we have made machines that are able to make millions of mathematical calculations in seconds.

But man is yet to create a machine that is able to laugh at a good joke.

To call someone clever is to accord him or her one of the highest forms of compliments.  Any parent would beam with pride if a stranger called his or her children clever.  But intelligence is in no way predestined.

That is, there is no guarantee that the children of clever parents will turn out to be clever as well.

Genetic scientists assume that the ratio of unchangeable genetic material to controllable environmental factors is about 30 to 70 percent.

However, any arguments on the old debate of nature versus nurture looks like a waste of time – a little like whether the soil or the climate is responsible for a bumper harvest.

Many factors help shape the mind of an individual and his or her intelligence.  However, scientists agree that having a strong dependable memory is one of the prerequisites for human intelligence. 

Imagine someone who has a memory that is only dependable for a day.  As soon as that person goes to sleep and awakes the next day, he or she has to start all over again, learning new things. 

However, most people have memories that are decades old, going back to the days when that person was a mere toddler.

With the flow of information that is going around these days, having a strong dependable memory is crucial.  In fact the definitive principle that governs the quantity of information today is Moore’s law which states the information doubles on itself every 18 months.

With such a dramatic flow of information, it is no wonder that many people seek ways to improve their memory and learning speed, to cope with information change.

The human mind is absolutely capable in managing today’s information flow with the correct system of storing information into your memory.

Such special techniques together with adequate sleep, mental and physical exercise and a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables go a long way to helping you stay mentally sharp.

Hey, with free web content managing the priority or importance of information is one way to help keep you sane in a world where it is easy to be overwhelmed by the sheer weight of information.

Nyagapfizi Emmanuel is a Management Information Systems manager