The value of speaking Kinyarwanda - EPAK Primary School pupils

“The language that raised me is very important because I am part of a young generation that will keep our culture and history alive and practical in the future.” Christian Inema, 11, P.4.

Monday, February 15, 2010

"The language that raised me is very important because I am part of a young generation that will keep our culture and history alive and practical in the future.”

Christian Inema, 11, P.4.

 "Kinyarwanda is a good language because it enables me to score the highest points in class tests. This makes me feel that our culture is growing bigger and bigger from generation to generation.”

 Alsen Mugisha, 10, P.4.

 "It is easy for everyone in our country to communicate because we use one language. Even at school when we are playing we use Kinyarwanda.”

Moses Iradukunda, 9, P.4.

 "Kinyarwanda is the best language in the world. I encourage everyone to use and learn it including the foreigners in the country. They should try to learn Kinyarwanda so that they can communicate easily.”

Rabia Uwase 12, P.5.

 "If I was told to make a choice, I would rather abolish any other language and stay with Kinyarwanda.”

Bonheur Munezero, 11, P.4.

 "Speaking many languages is good because they help you to communicate in business or when you meet other people who are not Rwandans or when you travel out of the country; but having a mother tongue is still the best.”

 Clairise Ishimwe, 12, P.5.

 "I find speaking in English or French very difficult. But when it comes to Kinyarwanda, I am very fluent!”

 Joella Dushimana, 13, P.5.

 "East or West home is the best. If you are able to communicate to people whom you meet in any language without forgetting your mother language, then you are the best.”

Arianne Uwitonze, 12, P.5.