Society debate; Is valentines day worth the celebrations?

February 14, what an infamy! If your status just went from trusted to busted, just hearing valentines sends shutters through your ears. Are you the girl whose stingy boyfriend expects a lot on valentines yet he has nothing special to offer? I suppose you are crazed about this whole valentine fracas. Wait, before blindly following the Western culture, what are you celebrating?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

February 14, what an infamy! If your status just went from trusted to busted, just hearing valentines sends shutters through your ears.

Are you the girl whose stingy boyfriend expects a lot on valentines yet he has nothing special to offer? I suppose you are crazed about this whole valentine fracas.

Wait, before blindly following the Western culture, what are you celebrating?

Legends abound, Valentines Day began as a pagan ritual by the Romans in the 4th, BC. It was meant to honour Lupercus, the god of fertility.

A lottery was held to distribute young women to young men for pleasure! Am sorry for you Christians who blindly celebrate what you don’t know.

Probably you think valentines began two years back when you got a girl friend. How funny! In any case, those stupid little valentine cards with, "I love you” all over them suck.

It doesn’t hurt a prominent cheat to offer such petite tokens to a league of lovers. Before you get fooled, make a research on how many he/she has given the gifts sofa.
Besides, why fall a victim to ridiculous spending?

For Christ sake, you haven’t recovered from Christmas expenses, but here you are, playing Mr/Miss right I hear buying gifts!

Affection should be shown on a daily basis; it’s very plastic to get a day to celebrate your love! Imagine a flower that is dying out; will one drop of water, once a year redeem it? If love is gone soar, not even Val’s day can redeem it.

Val’s day is such a losing situation. Getting them something they really like, is not a visa to not leaving the toilet seat up or stepping on the coach. Better dig up your grave before doing something he/she hates.

I am not being unreasonable, but before you go over board, know that your celebrations will be forgotten in a blink of an eye. Does your lover equally impress you anyway?

Save for the over priced flowers, you’ll have to watch all the weird love comedies.Haha, I hear Tom falls for Jenny. Suggesting prison break or 24 may win you a ticket out of her/his life. You might try your luck else where owing to the treat you gave on Valentines Day.

Getting dumped after Valentines Day, yet you bought a gift is cold blooded.

More, having to spend Valentines Day alone probably is equally depressing. The day only reminds you of how much of a loser you are.

As for bald singles, continue with the chase for a valentine but the end will be disappointing. What’s the meaning of spending every valentine with a different person anyway!