Why abuse English?

Editor, I would like to send a warning to everyone who is using English in an embarrassing manner. Some people have adamantly resorted to using English just to insult others, and what is most shocking is that these insults are the only words they can utter in English.

Sunday, February 07, 2010


I would like to send a warning to everyone who is using English in an embarrassing manner.

Some people have adamantly resorted to using English just to insult others, and what is most shocking is that these insults are the only words they can utter in English.

What kind of nonsense is that? Then some one boasts that he/she can speak English.

Slang is all over town, being spread by the younger generation. What aggravates me is that even the older people are speaking the unspeakable? For instance, the ‘N’ word.

This word is becoming one of the most common words that one hears. The public has to know this is an offensive word that should offend anyone of African descent.

So people, its time we grew up and started trying to speak some good and respectable English instead of speaking the unspeakable

John Kwizera