TEMBEA : Has excessive consumption of Alcohol led to the high rate of Domestic Violence in Society?

A Doctoral candidate in psychology at the State University of New York at Stony Brook Julie Schumacher said, “Alcohol is a direct cause of Marital Violence.” The study reveals that the relationship between Alcohol and aggression is more complicated. Domestic Violence is broadly defined as a pattern of abusive behavior by one or both partners in a relationship such as Marriage, dating, family, friends or cohabitation.

Friday, February 05, 2010

A Doctoral candidate in psychology at the State University of New York at Stony Brook Julie Schumacher said, "Alcohol is a direct cause of Marital Violence.”

The study reveals that the relationship between Alcohol and aggression is more complicated.

Domestic Violence is broadly defined as a pattern of abusive behavior by one or both partners in a relationship such as Marriage, dating, family, friends or cohabitation.

Women in this matter are the most Victims and they suffer great injury either physically or emotionally.

Domestic Violence involves physical aggression like hitting, kicking and using of objects to inflict pain on another partner.

It’s used so that one can gain control over you and intimidate you. Alcohol is a high depressant reaching the higher Brain centre inhibiting self consciousness anxieties and capacity for good.

Most Abusers frequently use Alcohol as an excuse for their Violence in attempt to rid themselves of responsibility.

Domestic Violence has a lot of effects on society today, so I decided to collect views from different people on whether excessive consumption of Alcohol is the key factor in the Domestic Violence crime.


When a person is under the influence of Alcohol they easily become violent in that even when the matter is really small it can result into a fight.


I think that while Alcohol is certainly a factor in many Domestic Violent situations, it does not directly cause it. Alcohol can turn an Abuser more likely to Abuse but it cannot turn a non-Abuser into an Abuser.


Alcohol tampers with one’s judgment hence people lose their self control which in turn drives them into being abusive.


Excessive Consumption of Alcohol has led to Domestic Violence because it acts as a catalyst during disputes. However, other factors such as poverty and strained family relationships play a role.


Alcohol cannot be entirely blamed because a loving and caring Husband would never beat up his wife even if he’s drunk.


Alcohol does play a role in Domestic Violence because when drunk one can’t control themselves in that even a joke can spark off a fight.


Even Moslems do abuse their wives yet they don’t drink Alcohol, but on the other hand the statement is true because when people are drunk they are obsessed so they end up acting weird. 
