BEAUTY : Best foot forward

It is important to take care of our feet, just like we do for the rest of our body. One of the reasons is that they also form a part of our body and the second is that they add to our overall appearance and personality. At the same time, our feet serve as an indicator of our overall personal hygiene. However, even while taking care of our feet, there are some things that we must keep in mind. Otherwise, in our enthusiasm to ensure that our feet are well cared for, we might end up damaging them.

Friday, February 05, 2010

It is important to take care of our feet, just like we do for the rest of our body. One of the reasons is that they also form a part of our body and the second is that they add to our overall appearance and personality. At the same time, our feet serve as an indicator of our overall personal hygiene.

However, even while taking care of our feet, there are some things that we must keep in mind. Otherwise, in our enthusiasm to ensure that our feet are well cared for, we might end up damaging them.

Man invented shoes to protect the feet from rough stones on the road. Then he invented the socks to save the feet from sweat and odor. Now you are assailed with the problem of sweaty feet and smelly socks.

Come summer and wherever you are, chances are that you may smell a subtle odor emanating from every move you make with your feet.

Embarrassing as it is, the trouble is more in getting rid of the stink. No matter what you do the stubborn odor doesn’t seem to leave you.

And, God forbid, what if you have to open your shoes and then go inside a room. This is a problem faced by anyone who wears a shoe even if they pretend otherwise. In order to help you get rid of the stinking odor see the procedures to follow and the products to use.

Washing your feet

Wash your feet thoroughly with relaxing foot bath so that you wash away the feet’s sweat gland secretions. These secretions contain various chemicals and acids which break down in the presence of certain bacteria to give off a foul smell. Regular washing will clean your feet of the bacteria and the chemicals.

Always have soothing foot cream and cooling foot & leg gel and apply every day after taking a bath- you will be surprised at how fresh your tired legs will feel.

With cracked feet, apply overnight moisturising foot cream to help soften and sooth the cracked foot heel.

Proper Socks

Before you put on your socks apply anti- perspirant foot cream to keep your feet from sweating. Most socks do not allow the feet to breathe and so the foot starts sweating. Wear cotton socks that keep the feet dry and airy.

Changing socks twice a day removes the odor effectively. Also do not wear the same socks two days in a row without washing them.

Exfoliating your feet

 Exfoliation is essential to get rid of dry, flaky and dead skin, be it any part of your body. But when it comes to your feet, it becomes all the more necessary, since they are the most neglected body part and have to undertake the maximum wear and tear.

Removing dead cells from the skin is important to ensure that the skin breathes well and shines naturally and the same is true for your feet as well, which bear the maximum brunt of your daily activity.

Exfoliation will ensure that they become smooth, soft and conditioned. It will also make your feet look beautiful and attractive, laying the cornerstone of an effective foot care regimen.

Use foot pumice brush and foot file to effectively remove dead skin cells from your feet.

Apply exfoliating foot scrub to stimulate and refresh the feet, wash it off and apply foot rescue mask to counter dryness and invigorate your tired feet.

Wash again and apply foot cream and heel relief cream then massage for 5 minutes, after  that pour deodorised anti-microbial foot powder between the toes to help keep the feet dry and odour free, finish off with reviving foot spray to keep your feet fresh and dry the whole day.

Proper Shoes

During summer when the feet tend to sweat more it is better to wear open shoes instead of closed shoes. This allows the air to evaporate the sweat and also eliminate the bacteria.

If you want to wear shoes then leather and canvas shoes are the best options. Completely avoid shoes made with rubber or synthetic materials.

Wash the shoes regularly or air dry them in the sun. You can also sprinkle cornstarch inside the shoes. Cornstarch adsorbs the moisture and keeps the feet dry.

Invest in your comfort today by buying the foot baths, creams and gels.  Don’t feel shy to ask around for these great home treatments—someone sent me an email and asked about these products. Like me you can make your order through, spoil your feet this weekend and you won’t regret it.
