Ingabire, feigning victimization to gain sympathy

It is well-known that some politicians tend to grab every opportunity to gain political mileage, but Wednesday’s violent incident involving FDU-Inkindi’s Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, must have been a godsend for her, much as she instigated it.

Friday, February 05, 2010

It is well-known that some politicians tend to grab every opportunity to gain political mileage, but Wednesday’s violent incident involving FDU-Inkindi’s Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, must have been a godsend for her, much as she instigated it.

What happened at Kinyinya Sector should be condemned; Violence, whatever its form, origin or purpose, should have no place in Rwanda today. The same goes for those who stage-manage violence only to turn around and play victim, to gain cheap popularity.

Even before Ingabire set foot in Rwanda, it was very evident that feigning victimization by the government would be her trump card. She began with wild allegations that she and her team had been denied passport application forms, yet they are available on the internet….
She lands on her native soil and falls in love with the word "lynch”.

"Umuhoza” makes revisionist statements standing right on top of the remains of the victims of the Genocide against the Tutsi, and when she realizes her gaff; she turns to the predictable defence that she is being "lynched” by a media remote controlled by the government.

When the ‘presidential aspirant’ applies for (but does not receive on the third day) administrative papers, she complains that the government is sabotaging her efforts to register her party, ignoring the fact  that for an ordinary Rwandan,  it can take months.

But the icing on the cake was when, hardly two weeks after her arrival, she is summoned to the local authorities to receive her papers. Her team gets embroiled in altercations with the locals, but she goes home unscathed, and immediately declares that she was "lynched” in Kinyinya on the orders of the RPF.

Now she is being psychologically "lynched” by the national security services, the military and the police, she only forgets to mention the local defence…

Ingabire should be answering charges related to her documented affiliation and active participation in FDLR murderous campaign, as clearly shown in the 2009 UN report, rather than waste everybody’s time, with her fertile imagination the country can do without.
