Blame it on Brochette

Men are dare devils; even  a honey moon can’t stop them from hanging out with the boys. Ask Daphine Kirenga. With a bowel of stew in one hand and a dish full of salad in the other, Kirenga hurried to the dinning table. More than determined, she wanted to prepare dinner that her husband would never forget.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Men are dare devils; even  a honey moon can’t stop them from hanging out with the boys. Ask Daphine Kirenga.
With a bowel of stew in one hand and a dish full of salad in the other, Kirenga hurried to the dinning table.

More than determined, she wanted to prepare dinner that her husband would never forget.

Chapati, beef stew, rice, fruits, wine…..were all at the neatly decorated table. She could not wait for her husband’s compliments on how good she was at cooking.

"It’s just on hour to his return,” she said happily.
Looking at the wall clock, hanging in the sitting room alarmed her, damn it was 9:30 already, where on earth was her husband? Had he started cheating  this early?

Restlessly, she paced around the living room. All her hopes of providing the best dinner came down tumbling. If Mr.Kirenga went through her thoughts, he would know how desperate and sad his wife felt.

It was now past 10:00pm, Mrs.Kirenga decided to watch a reality TV show as she waited for him. Suddenly, she fell asleep on the couch. After midnight is when she heard a loud knock at the door. Her hubby was finally back.

She told him about the dinner, to which he declined.  "I am exhausted,” he said. She pressed on to no avail.
"Darling, I’ve been out with the boys. I had enough brochette,” the husband explained.

Mrs. Kirenga went to bed on an empty stomach; she had lost all the appetite.

She only kept wondering why guys were that inseparable with Brochette!

Probably he gives all the excuses for not dinning with you. Its not that he doesn’t love you, just blame it on brochette.

And when he is out late with the boys, he will keep mentioning how beautiful you are, leaving them guessing why he is not home with you!

Once, a man kept praising his wife before his friends. With two sticks of brochette, he kept saying, "She is such an angel, chef, lover….she is all you may need in a wife,” he mentioned.

Furiously, one of the friends shot back, "Then why are you not with her, this late,”

That’s a question that is left blank to many wives!  As for the guys, they prefer eating roasted meat, out there in the cold, to getting back to a warm home with a variety of food.

When it comes to socializing, Brochette joints deserve the credit. They disintegrate and reintegrate friendships.

And as they share those spiced sticks, with beer, roasted bananas, the aim is more than eating. Certainly, the most interesting hobby to many men of recent is sharing a piece of meet with workmates, friends…..but late in the night.
