GET INSPIRED : To err is human…don’t sulk, move on

Oh, the judgmental human race. I wonder when they will start concentrating on more constructive matters than trying hard to live other people’s lives. When Barrack Obama emerged as U.S president, delight filled the whole world; they had put lots of trust in him. Only a year down the road, Obama is being evaluated for under performance.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Oh, the judgmental human race. I wonder when they will start concentrating on more constructive matters than trying hard to live other people’s lives.

When Barrack Obama emerged as U.S president, delight filled the whole world; they had put lots of trust in him. Only a year down the road, Obama is being evaluated for under performance.

"What did he mean when he said, ‘Yes, we can?’ Did he mean yes we can sit?” someone wondered online.
When past American President Bill Clinton had an extra-marital affair with Monica Lewinsky, a 22 year old White House Intern, the world pointed fingers at him. Even the worst womanizer did not spare the man.

Maybe among the components God used to make man was ‘criticizing chemical’.

Being critical is as old as history itself. During Martin Luther King’s days, African-Americans were lynched just for something as minor as glancing at a white woman.

Lynching as punishment for only glancing at someone, how terrible!

Perhaps biblical writers saw how hypercritical the Jews, Pharisees…..had become, "before you remove the speck from one’s eye, start with the log in your own,” they wrote.

When thousands brought up a prostitute they had found committing adultery, in a chorus voice they told Jesus, "Let’s stone her to death.” Jesus said, "Whoever has never done it should throw the first stone.”

The furious mob disappeared into thin air, obviously they had ever committed the like but all they cared for, was punishing the so called adulteress.  

Okay, let me not sound like a preacher. How many people do you judge and come to hate on a daily basis. The way they talk, the minor mistake in their write up, the one time they arrive late at work, the way they eat, who they talk to…..endless, mentioning reasons why people trust or distrust others can take me the whole day.

How I wish judgment was for the upright. Oh, I am sorry, no human can be upright, not even a toddler. If you don’t trust me, give little kids one toy; they will fight, get furious and perhaps express hate at that moment.

With biased words like ‘He is a bad boy’, kids will take a further step to report the other party to the adults. Little do they know that adults also do the very thing, all they lack is who to report to at times.

The rule of survival becomes, "he is bad and I am good.” Unfair judgment has survived for generations and always will. Conceivably it was the cause of the world war, the 1994 genocide against the Tusti, the death of thousands of Jews at Adolph Hittler’s hand, but people seem so determined to keep the habit going.

Therefore, before you involve sentiments on why so and so adores noticing your mistakes, know that it’s human and will always be. Better to exercise how to overcome public judgment than spend edges sulking.