Common Sex Myths

Myths can be dangerous, especially if you’re unable to tell the difference between a myth and a fact. Below are several questions and answers submitted to Teen Growth related to myths about having sex information. My boyfriend says we don’t need to use protection because he masturbates and this means he won’t be able to get me pregnant. Is this true? 

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Myths can be dangerous, especially if you’re unable to tell the difference between a myth and a fact.

Below are several questions and answers submitted to Teen Growth related to myths about having sex information.

My boyfriend says we don’t need to use protection because he masturbates and this means he won’t be able to get me pregnant. Is this true?

Absolutely NOT! Your boyfriend is either misinformed or deliberately misleading you. Seminal fluid contains sperm whether it’s released the first time or the fifth time in any given day.

What are the chances of getting pregnant if you have intercourse during your period?

Pretty low if your periods are regular (once a month.) But the chances aren’t zero! It depends on if you happen to ovulate close to the time your period comes.

Is there a safer time to have sex with the period cycle? I heard that the safest times are right before your period and right after-is this true?

You are referring to what is called "The Rhythm Method” of birth control, which relies on fact that yes, there are certain days of the monthly cycle when you are less likely (safe days) or more likely (fertile days) to get pregnant. The huge problem with the rhythm method is that few monthly cycles are absolutely regular, especially in teenagers.

I need to know what the chances of getting pregnant are if the male withdraws before he comes.

You are describing an unreliable method of birth control called "withdrawal.” With unprotected sex, be sure of some drops of semen, even when he withdraws.

 If he didn’t put it in all the way, could I still be pregnant?

Yes, you can get pregnant from that kind of close encounter.

Is it true that it’s not possible to get pregnant until you have had sex for a few months? My boyfriend told me that a body that is new to sex will reject sperm. Is this true?

No, this is absolutely not true. Many young women can tell you that they got pregnant the first and only time they ever had sex.

A friend told me he has a STD, We are both on the wrestling team. Can I catch it from him?

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) are infections that you get from having sex with someone who has the infection. You can never catch them through talking or associating with an infected person.