City council, please do some thing about the Gishushu Urwego road

Editor, I would like to request Kigali City Council to kindly fix the road from Gishushu-Rwanda Development Board- Urwego estates. This road is used by people who are willing to contribute to its maintenance for. If you are traveling down this road going a bit too fast, thinking that this is the Nyarutarama road, you will get a nasty surprise, the potholes will rattle your bones.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I would like to request Kigali City Council to kindly fix the road from Gishushu-Rwanda Development Board- Urwego estates. This road is used by people who are willing to contribute to its maintenance for.

If you are traveling down this road going a bit too fast, thinking that this is the Nyarutarama road, you will get a nasty surprise, the potholes will rattle your bones.

And to make it even worse, just few meters from RDB there is just a smooth road, unlike our own that is a mishmash of stones and bricks.

On another note, I would like to remind parents picking up their kids from Green Hills Academy to watch their speed because building debris has been strewn across the road by those that are fixing a stretch of road a few meters away from the RDB building.

If the RDB can make an arrangement with the City Council to repair the road, the residents of this area are willing to make a contribution to this effort.

Keza Sheila