Honey consumption important for our health

Honey is the most assimilable carbohydrate compound. It is practical and most effective aliment to generate heat, create and replace energy, form certain tissues. Honey, besides, supplies the organism with substances for the formation of enzymes and other biological ferments to promote oxidation. It has distinct germicidal properties and in this respect greatly differs from milk which is an exceptionally good breeding-ground for bacteria.

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Honey bees buzy at work

Honey is the most assimilable carbohydrate compound. It is practical and most effective aliment to generate heat, create and replace energy, form certain tissues.

Honey, besides, supplies the organism with substances for the formation of enzymes and other biological ferments to promote oxidation. It has distinct germicidal properties and in this respect greatly differs from milk which is an exceptionally good breeding-ground for bacteria.

Honey is a most valuable food, which today is not sufficiently appreciated. Its frequent use is very vital for our health.

Proteins will replace and build tissues but it is the function and assignment of carbohydrates to create and replace heat and energy, and Honey, which contains two invert sugars of levulose and dextrose, has many advantages as a food substance.

While cane-sugar and starches must undergo inversion process during digestion that changes them into grape and fruit-sugars, honey is already accomplished because it has been predigested by the bees, inverted and concentrated. This saves the stomach additional labor.

For a healthy human body, which is capable of digesting sugar, the actuality that honey is an already predigested sugar has less importance but in a case of weak digestion especially in those who lack invertase and amylase and depend on monosaccarides, it is a different matter and deserves consideration.

The consummation of this pre-digestive act is accomplished by the enzymes invertase, amylase and catalase, which are produced by the worker bee in such large quantities that they can be found in every part of their bodies. However, there is plenty of it left in honey for our benefit.

If we add one or two tablespoonful of raw honey to a pint of concentrated solution of sucrose, the mixture will soon be changed into invert sugar. The addition of boiled honey, in which the enzymes have been destroyed, will not accomplish such a change.

It is important to note that neither honey nor milk is a complet food nor a proper nutriment alone for a long period of time. They are effective only to supplement deficiencies of other food substances.

Honey requires little attention and does not deteriorate even in the tropics.

The diuretic effect of honey is still employed in kidney and bladder involvements. In pyelitis (inflammation of the renal pelvis) honey increases the amount of urine and exerts a decided antiseptic effect.

The patients quickly improve; the urine clears and loses its putrid odor. The laxative effect of honey in these cases is also of advantage. 

Munyakayanza a 52 year old from Gisenyi had mild kidney complaints and when he got got to eating honey and plenty today is as fit as a health youngster. Honey is an important ingredient of worm-cures.

That the mineral elements, such as copper, iron and manganese, which honey contains, have important blood-building functions.

Furthermore, honey is an excellent antibiotic. If well treated and applied to wounds or burns, it accelerates wound healing and prevents infection.  If honey produced locally is consumed, the pollens in the honey help those with allergies to local plants to control their allergic response.

And in addition to all this, the immune system depends upon the enzymes in the honey, as well as those produced by the combination of the enzyme precursors in the honey, and other substances in the body.
