You cannot burn a house and hide the smoke

In our last week’s delivery, while warning the public about Rusesabagina’s November 24 so called “Truth and Reconciliation in Rwanda Conference”, we prophetically predicted that “his audience would exclusively be the negationists like him…”

Monday, December 03, 2007

In our last week’s delivery, while warning the public about Rusesabagina’s November 24 so called "Truth and Reconciliation in Rwanda Conference”, we prophetically predicted that "his audience would exclusively be the negationists like him…”

That was after he was humiliatingly denied access/venue by not less than three high learning institutions. Indeed, the UCL (Catholic University of Louvain-La neuve), the VUB (Flemish University of Brussels, ULB (Free University of Brussels) and St Michel High School refused to associate or appear to be supporting in any way his negationist philosophy.

As a matter of fact, the said Truth and the Reconciliation Conference finally took place in a private room at Etterbeek in Brussels and was organised under high security measures to deny access to any Rwandan that does not belong to the exclusive club of negationists.

One had to go through three checkpoints before entering the conference room, so we have heard.

We also reliably learnt that a list of 20 unwanted persons from the Rwandan community of Belgium (CRB) and IBUKA had been established and their members were not to get anywhere near, let alone inside the Conference hall.

Other than the 20, all other people assimilated to CRB or of Tutsi morphology were all denied access.

A witness to the event commented:

"It seemed to me that only a "truth” that attempts to credit the fact that the whole Rwandan suffering (since 1959) had been caused by RPF, had to be manufactured and upheld”!

Globally, the general tempo of the debates was such that those holding a unique and one way opinion, constituted by complete silence on the "responsibilities” non attributable to RPF, had the right to expression. No one, or in any case  no body could in the audience dare hold a speech likely to disappoint the massive expectations of those who had come to participate in a grand mass, destined to collective psychotherapy.

In short, the clearly unbalanced denunciation of the Kigali régime only equaled the globalization of a pretended collective innocence.

And the organizers borrowed the very methods they were denouncing, notably a sorting out people system at the entrance and systematically labeling all others as trouble-makers in favour of among Rwandans, those notoriously known for ethnic radicalism or controversial criminal suspects that are hiding from justice or a few unsuspecting foreigners as well as renown negationists.  

One wonders therefore how a conference presumably meant to tell he truth and reconciliation could start by selecting the people to attend it along ethnic lines.

We hear that the event organizers went as far as considering the region of origin(for Rwandan members) of the guests to the point of refusing entrance to some on those grounds.

It was observed that the gap between Kiga and Nduga was quite obvious as the Rwandan audience was almost exclusively from Nduga and that those close to former President Habyarimana’s Akazu did not attend and rather discredited the conference.

Rusesabagina and his PDR-Ihumure could indeed not hide their true identity any longer, deeply rooted into the infamous Parmehutu ideology which led to the 1994 Genocide.

After spending time parading as humanitarian and failing to entrench his negationist and revisionist approach on the Rwandan recent history into the general public’s psyche, Rusesabagina has now been forced to show his true colors and unveil his unholy hidden agenda.

Indeed, in one of our previous writings, we revealed that "…Under the guise of being a humanitarian and after amassing hefty sums of money from the movie "Hotel Rwanda”, Rusesabagina swiftly changed his carrier and became a politician hoping to topple the current regime in Rwanda. He has invested in the PDR-Ihumure party, composed of opponents of Rwanda, and he is progressively portraying himself as the only choice. He also works closely with Charles Onana, Pierre Péan and others like Philpot, well known for their negationism and vividly in close contact with all the people behind PDR – Ihumure. 

The motive behind their close association is to negate the 1994 genocide in its sense, deny the preparation aspects of the genocide or at the most depict what happened as having been a double genocide that resulted from a popular furor caused by the death of President Habyarimana…”
This indeed as expressed earlier in my writing is an effort to change history and it totally contradicts the message in Hotel Rwanda. Being a two-tongued man, it will not be a surprise to me if he in future, invents some other message to give through some other crafted movie to align his current genocide-talk!  

This is what just happened last weekend when the fabricated "hero”, after aligning the said Péan, Mushayidi and other disgruntled individuals to demonize the current Rwandan regime, they just proceeded to create a sort of platform (so called Alliance) consisting of FDU-Inkingi, PDR-Ihumure and Partenariat-Intwari in a desperate move to organize some strength at least for some time before inevitably crumbling like many such partnerships before. And in a bid to avoid any doubt on their exact ideology, the platform members quickly aligned themselves along the FDLR terrorist group’s stand espousing its denouncing of the internationally supported November 09, 2007 Nairobi agreement between the Governments of Rwanda and DRC to use every means to stop the mayhem caused by this genocidaire organization.

They shamelessly state in their communiqué that "…the presence of Rwandan armed groups in the East of the DRC is a consequence and not the reason of the instability and the insecurity in the region..!”

On a brighter note however, we learnt with satisfaction that Rev. Jesse Jackson, whom they hoped would be their outstanding guest, but most importantly their smokescreen, was well inspired not to lower his personality by mixing with notorious negationists/revisionists, which would have been most unfortunate for such a renowned civil and human rights advocate.

Watch the next issue on the continued unfolding of the real Rusesabagina and his fellow negationists.