FASHION/STYLE : New looks for 2010

Which beauty resolutions will you stick to this year? The question may sound simple but for many of us being conscious about our looks is more of a nightmare. Make 2010 your year to shine and opt for a funkier new fresh look, from hair to face. “Last year I didn’t have enough time for my looks, but this time I will have to invest in them, specifically on hairstyle because I treasure my hair more than anything else,” Alice Umutoni, a student at Kigali Liberal University says.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Which beauty resolutions will you stick to this year? The question may sound simple but for many of us being conscious about our looks is more of a nightmare.

Make 2010 your year to shine and opt for a funkier new fresh look, from hair to face.

"Last year I didn’t have enough time for my looks, but this time I will have to invest in them, specifically on hairstyle because I treasure my hair more than anything else,” Alice Umutoni, a student at Kigali Liberal University says.

Once you have a good set of beauty tools then applying the latest trends, looks and eye shadows will finally become easier.

Investing in your looks is a worthwhile investment for 2010—I bet no trendy lady will disagree with me on this.

Anita Kabatesi, who never wears short hair says, "I will stop being a slave to long hair and braids. I’m going to chop it off and maintain a few inches.” "Yes, short hair is hot right now and will be throughout 2010.”

After discovering your beauty resolutions, you will be able to go through 2010 with no hassles.

"My New Year’s beauty resolution is basically the face,” Sandra Uwera says, "I will find the correct make-up to match my skin colour.”

Learn the importance of caring about your beauty and make your goal a reality.

There is no point spending huge sums of money and time on your looks if you are not going to sustain the move—make that commitment and invest in it.

If you are one of those ladies that rarely wear make-up, then take the plunge and start enjoying the ways good eye make-up can make you feel. If you love the trend but have no idea about what colour will flatter you, dash to a beauty expert. Be brave, this is your starting point.

Make bad skin days a thing of the past. Want that deep-clean feeling without harsh, hardcore products? Then try the "Treasure facial”; a skin product with ingredients, and the treatments.

Stress makes spots worse. So, this is the perfect time of getting your mind and skin back on track. Skin is scrubbed and softened to zap blackheads and bacteria, then treated to a cooling mask. But the best bit is the scalp massage-heaven.

If the word ‘facial’ is enough to give you an allergic reaction, then regular anti-blemish therapies could be too harsh. If your skin is sensitive to aggressive soaps, use gentle washer and do not forget to moisturize.
