The origin of New Year resolutions

When the year tends to come to an end most people setup goals or resolutions on what they will have to do in the New Year. A friend told me that he is taking his last beer bottle on the 31st and in 2010 he is going to be a clean dude and start a family. The New Year celebrations originated in Babylon 4000 years ago. However the Babylonians celebrations of the New Year were in March rather than in January, coinciding with the spring planting of crops.

Saturday, January 09, 2010
Helium balloons portraying 2010.

When the year tends to come to an end most people setup goals or resolutions on what they will have to do in the New Year.

A friend told me that he is taking his last beer bottle on the 31st and in 2010 he is going to be a clean dude and start a family.

The New Year celebrations originated in Babylon 4000 years ago. However the Babylonians celebrations of the New Year were in March rather than in January, coinciding with the spring planting of crops.

The New Year, no matter when people have celebrated it, has always been a time for looking back to the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year.

It’s time to reflect on the changes we want, or often need, if we’re to have the motivation to move forward. It was the Babylonians who invented the New Year resolutions.

According to them New Year resolutions is a reflection of the belief that what a person does on the first day of the New Year will have an effect throughout the entire year.

It’s because of this belief that most people end an old year and begin a new one at different celebration centers such as church, family gatherings, night clubs and bars.

New Year resolutions differ amongst people since everyone has a particular goal to archive in life. Some individuals aim at boosting their financial status; improve moral conduct and change of physical appearance such as losing weight.

The Babylonians who invented New Year resolutions aimed at returning borrowed farm material and improving agricultural yields.

They are different ways of fulfilling New Year resolutions, making a detailed plan that runs throughout the year, writing your resolutions and placing them in areas you can easily see in order to act as a reminder of what you’re supposed to archive before the year comes to an end helps in attaining your goal.

Above all prayer can be the best thing to do while planning or making New Year resolutions because with God everything is possible since he is the master planner for mankind.

Most people make New Year resolutions and they end up not fulfilling them because they forgot the power in prayer hence start blaming different situations.
