Rice eating birds cause losses to farmers

NGOMA/GASTIBO – Rice farmers in Rwamagana and Gatsibo districts say that they are counting heavy losses following an invasion of birds. Augustine Nirenganya, a rice farmer from Rwamagana district said that currently the worst enemy of rice farmers are the bird which fly into fields and feed on large quantity of the growing rice.

Friday, January 08, 2010
A bird watcher keeping vigil at a rice field in Eastern province. (Photo: S. Rwembeho)

NGOMA/GASTIBO – Rice farmers in Rwamagana and Gatsibo districts say that they are counting heavy losses following an invasion of birds.

Augustine Nirenganya, a rice farmer from Rwamagana district said that currently the worst enemy of rice farmers are the bird which fly into fields and feed on large quantity of the growing rice.

Some farmers have resorted to setting up temporary housing within the fields to keep close watch over their rice fields and scare the birds away.

"We should work out other means to fight birds other than what we are doing right now,” Nirenganya said.

Jean Marie Habamenshi the Managing Director of Twibumbe Hamwe Rice Union said the farmers have no alternative, but to keep  a very close watch  on their rice crops especially every morning and evening.
