Dealing with hangovers

Making you human again after a night of serious partying, heavy drinking and mixing drinks is one hell of a do! It may often result in nauseating hangover in the morning making you swear off drinking for the rest of your life----until the next time.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Making you human again after a night of serious partying, heavy drinking and mixing drinks is one hell of a do! It may often result in nauseating hangover in the morning making you swear off drinking for the rest of your life----until the next time.

Hangover cures are many and are varied where ingredients are concerned.

The most unlikely concoctions will make you feel better fast and are all worth a try if you are suffering from the worst hangover ever.

But always remember, the only way to cure a hangover or a "hang down” as a friend of mine usually calls it, is to prevent one!

Try to drink water throughout the party or drinking spree; alcohol dehydrates (remember running to the bathroom the more you drink-there you go.)

Drink two glasses of water before you start drinking, then after two alcoholic drinks, drink one full glass of water.

Repeat as necessary. As much as you can, pay attention to what and how much you drink. Probably, mentioning your safety isn’t a joke, choose a safe ride home at the end of the party-fare.

Once in the house, eat a greasy meal of French fries and fried fish, fried chicken or hamburger and a glass of orange juice to give your stomach something to digest while you are sleeping.

Fat digests slowly and protects the stomach from alcohol’s ill-effects. A tall glass of orange juice replenishes the supply of vitamin C in the body, keeping you from feeling nauseous and speeds the alcohol through the liver.

Plan ahead and make sure you have time to sleep before you have to go to work. Without adequate sleeping time, your body cannot process all the fat, more so, all the alcohol and you could still be legally drunk the next day. 

After something is in your stomach, take an over the counter painkiller before you go to bed.

Lay down in a dark, cool room on top of a small pillow or a rolled-up towel under your chest. This will cause you to breathe heavily while you sleep which will provide your brain with much needed oxygen.

At least 30 minutes to an hour of sleep is cool. When you wake up, try chocolate chip cookies and a can of coca-cola soda.

These will give you an energy boost and replenish low blood sugar, making you feel as right as rain again in no time.

Water and juice will work in a pinch, but the electrolytes in the soda work best.

By the way, taking a shower in the morning is as important, even if you bathed before you went to bed. The shower washes away any alcohol smell that peeped out of your pores as you slept. Brush your teeth and use mouthwash.

Gargle if you can to make sure the alcohol smell is gone. Enjoy the rest of your day hangover-free and a happy new year!
