EDITORIAL : Happy New Year!

Christmas is now a fun filled memory for many. For many it was really fun as they enjoyed good and special time with their families and friends. There is more fun coming with the New Year around the corner. The fireworks, parties and feasting are as good as Christmas. But after the parties, there are more ideas to consider in order to have a great 2010. One trick I know that can greatly help is if you make New Year resolutions. A resolution in simple terms is a promise to fulfill something by the end of the year.

Friday, January 01, 2010

Christmas is now a fun filled memory for many. For many it was really fun as they enjoyed good and special time with their families and friends.

There is more fun coming with the New Year around the corner. The fireworks, parties and feasting are as good as Christmas.

But after the parties, there are more ideas to consider in order to have a great 2010. One trick I know that can greatly help is if you make New Year resolutions. A resolution in simple terms is a promise to fulfill something by the end of the year.

I know many people who make resolutions and fail to accomplish anything by the end of the year.

This happens not because they could not do what they promised, but because they just forgot their resolutions, and only remembered them when the year ends. The problem about this is that you no longer strive to achieve anything different.  

But, the best thing to do in order to fulfill resolutions is to write them down and set a period of time by which they will be accomplished. This will always require determination, hard work and faithfulness to your promise.

It sounds difficult, but when you give it a try it becomes easy.
With this The Children’s Times wishes you a Happy New Year. Celebrations and enjoy life during 2010, the year of possibilities.
