Climate change is real, here to stay and it is irreversible

Editor, Climate change is occurring and is affecting everyone. The frequency and magnitude of tsunamis are clear indications of this. The Boxing Day tsunami in South-East Asia (2004) and the recent tsunamis in Fiji and Samoa were unparalleled disasters.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Climate change is occurring and is affecting everyone. The frequency and magnitude of tsunamis are clear indications of this. The Boxing Day tsunami in South-East Asia (2004) and the recent tsunamis in Fiji and Samoa were unparalleled disasters.

The prolonged dry spells, like the ones we always see in the grazing zones in Uganda, Rwanda, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya are another the effect of this phenomenon.

My questions are: What is causing these dramatic climatic events? And can Mankind change the course of these event? My view is that Man has no control over anything going on.

What very few people realise is that these events are prophesied in the Bible and are part of the ‘End Time’ scenario.

The Bible talks about climate change in the following verses in the Bible. Have a good read whether you are a Christian or not  (Isaiah:  24.4):-  ’the world fades and withers’
(Isaiah: 24.6):- ‘the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men are left’

(Luke: 21.25-26):-  ‘There will be dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves’
(Rev 8.7):- ‘All the green grass was burned up’
(Rev 16.21):- ‘A huge hailstones, about one hundred and fifty pounds each, came down from heaven upon men’.

These Biblical quotations are consistent with climate change predictions. Therefore, although man may be affecting the climate, it is still God’s weather and God is still in ultimate control.

Severe world-wide drought, storms and high temperatures are prophesied as part of God’s judgement upon a humanistic, godless world. From this viewpoint, man cannot affect his environment and prevent global warming.

Paul Mutangwa