Ho! Ho! Ho! Who is Santa Claus?

December is here and we are all home for our long and interesting holidays. More interesting for this holiday is the fact that it is a festive season. The festive season definitely will include the most anticipated Christmas day which is so special to children because of what comes with it.

Monday, December 21, 2009

December is here and we are all home for our long and interesting holidays. More interesting for this holiday is the fact that it is a festive season.

The festive season definitely will include the most anticipated Christmas day which is so special to children because of what comes with it.

Children receive gifts from their parents, friends, sisters and brothers. These gifts are plenty during Christmas and they believe they come from "Father Christmas”
So who is "Father Christmas?”

Famously known as Santa Claus, he goes about saying Ho! Ho! Ho! He is the old man with a white beard and wears red fur garments with has a black belt and black boots.

He is believed to bring gifts to children on Christmas Eve to children who had behaved well throughout the year.

There are various beliefs about Santa Claus. In some countries it is believed that if the children have not been good during that year they receive a lump of coal in their stockings.

However in other countries people believe they have to leave hay and a carrot outside for his horse to eat so that they can find the carrot replaced with a gift the following morning.

When he brings his gifts, some people believe he comes riding on Reindeers.

Even though Santa Claus gives gifts of sweets, biscuits, chocolate and sometimes money, he does not want his identity revealed.

No one knows where Santa exactly lives but very many speculate that he lives in the mountains, at the North Pole with lots of snow.

As we prepare for Christmas, let’s remember to behave well and get ready for Father Christmas!  
