Mineduc needs Frw19m for EA Games

The Sport department in the Ministry of Education (Mineduc) needs Frw19 millions to prepare this year’s East African schools’ athletics championship set for November 30th to December 1 at Amahoro stadium.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Sport department in the Ministry of Education (Mineduc) needs Frw19 millions to prepare this year’s East African schools’ athletics championship set for November 30th to December 1 at Amahoro stadium.

Speaking to Times Sport yesterday, the ministry’s director of Sports, Patarnel Rwigema confirmed the projected budget.

"The money was budgeted to cover everything in regards to hosting a successful event.

It would facilitate things from accommodation for all participating teams, purchasing prizes as well as other necessities that would make this year’s championship a success,” Rwigema said.

The former director of sports in the ministry of Youth, Culture and Sports disclosed that the Swiss Embassy in Kigali has already come up with a contribution of Frw5 millions.

"We have already received this sponsorship and we hail the Swiss Embassy for their support,” he noted 0.

However, Rwigema is still hopeful that some other potential sponsors (names withheld) to inject in some funds before the championship gets underway on Friday.

According to Mineduc sports department officials, five countries have confirmed their participation in this year’s edition.

They include Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zanzibar and hosts Rwanda. The Ministry of Education is still waiting confirmation from the Kenyan government.

Over 300 participants are expected to spice up the two-day annual championship which brings together the best athletes from the regional countries.

Hosts Rwanda emerged the winner of last year’s edition which was held on home soil. Uganda and Kenya followed in the second and third positions respectively.

Reports from the national team camp based in Muhanga district, Southern Province where the Rwandan team is camping, show that the athletes are in upbeat mood to defend their crown.

The regional championship would have participants competing in all track and field events including, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, and 3000m, 5000m, 10000m, triple jump, high jump, long jump, javelin, discus and table tennis.
