Mother confesses to killing own child

NYAGATARE - A woman who recently accused a guard of killing her 2-year old boy has finally confessed to being responsible for the murder. Speaking to The New Times at Nyagatare Police Post on Sunday, Monique Nyiraneza, 39, said she killed her child, Gervas Mbarushimana with a knife when he was asleep.  

Sunday, December 13, 2009
I killed my child with a knife.Nyiraneza at Nyagatare Police Post. (Photo / D. Ngabonziza)

NYAGATARE - A woman who recently accused a guard of killing her 2-year old boy has finally confessed to being responsible for the murder.

Speaking to The New Times at Nyagatare Police Post on Sunday, Monique Nyiraneza, 39, said she killed her child, Gervas Mbarushimana with a knife when he was asleep.

‘I killed him so that the government could offer me some money to look after other children at home,’ she said. 

Late Mbarushimana, and his mother Nyiraneza, were caught by night patrol guards in Rwimiyaga sector while stealing cassava in a neighbour’s garden. The family head, Alphonse Mbarushimana escaped arrest.

The night guards temporarily detained Nyiraneza and her child at a nearby food store as they waited for police.
However, when police arrived in the morning they found Nyiraneza sitting beside her dead child’s body.

Nyiraneza had earlier told the police that one of the guards at a food store later came and killed her child.
When asked why she had earlier lied to police, Nyiraneza said "was very scared.”

The deceased’s parents migrated to Nyagatare from Karongi district in the Western Province.
