The secret life of... : John Gaga

John Gaga is the Chairman of TEVSA, an association aimed at maintaining and improving the standard and performance of Technical and Vocational training schools in the country. Below, he shares with us a bit of his unpublic side:

Friday, December 11, 2009
John Gaga

John Gaga is the Chairman of TEVSA, an association aimed at maintaining and improving the standard and performance of Technical and Vocational training schools in the country. Below, he shares with us a bit of his unpublic side:

The first thing you do in the morning
I do my quiet time/devotion - consisting of prayer, reading & meditating on the Word of God.
When are you happiest?
When I have been of help to others, especially after winning a soul for Christ.
What is your greatest fear?
What is your earliest childhood memory?
Living in a community of a completely different culture.
Greatest achievement
My second birth i.e. Conversion to Christ. 
Affectionate memory of your parents
 I learnt a lot from my mother’s character of Love, forgiveness and caring for others.
What keeps you awake at night?
 Uncompleted task and meeting deadlines.
The most important thing life has taught you
Never to give up so long as there is a right motive.
During your free time
I like being with my family (wife & children) or ministering to the needy.
Retirement plans
Full time Ministry of the Gospel & community work.