Perfect Weekend….

Medard Ngabo is one of the most famous artistes in the country. The young star goes by the stage name Meddy.

Saturday, December 05, 2009
Medard Ngabo

Medard Ngabo is one of the most famous artistes in the country. The young star goes by the stage name Meddy.

At only 20, he believes in taking the music industry to another level. Below, he throws some light on what makes his weekend perfect.

At about 5p.m on Friday is when my weekend starts. I get together with my friends that include The Ben for a drink.

I like it when I am with them at any place of our choice.

On Saturday, I wake up early to organize a few things and engage in private issues. I go to Britania Restaurant in Kiyovu for lunch.

If I am to go to B-Club in Nyarutarama, I rest a bit first.

Sunday morning, I go for prayers at Zion Temple in Gatenga. I normally enjoy chips and rice with a soft drink.

Although I usually focus on swimming when I go to La Palisse, Nyandungu, I sometimes find myself having a blast with my friends if they happen to be there.

I get home at 8p.m, refresh myself and watch some movies or listen to music until I have supper.

I get to bed between 11p.m and mid-night.

That’s my perfect weekend for you.