RELATIONSHIPS: How to treat a gal right

So, you finally bagged her. It took you a while to hook up but you don’t know where to go from there. Keri Hilson says, ‘when love comes around it knocks you down.’

Saturday, December 05, 2009

So, you finally bagged her. It took you a while to hook up but you don’t know where to go from there. Keri Hilson says, ‘when love comes around it knocks you down.’

You probably are also knocked down with ideas, you’re to come up with some but this love thing that you got in your head knocks you down again.

 If you are in this state, you just have to forge your way till you get your flow. If you have the guts to hook up a chic then you probably know what keeps the ladies’ pulse moving. But maybe you just can’t put your fingers on it at that time.

I like to keep it plain and simple and God gave me this gift of being a smooth talker so no chic can easily outsmart me. These are some of the tips I can give to you, as a brother to keep your game real and in the hizzy…

Know who she is. Gals are dynamic as they come so know who yours is before you set the ball rolling. My type are the ‘brainies’ so we mainly play mind games that yield. So know who yours is. If she’s dim then you also have to play dim since she’s the one you laid bait for.

Be genuine. If you want a good thing going then be genuine with the girl. In other words, make the game real; no two timing, no lies. Honesty and all those things that go along, basically you have to reactivate those mature mummy’s boy traits that you left behind for you to be her dream guy.

Everything should be about her. Once you have her off the shelf you just know that everything is going to be about her, let her talk her tongue out about things that are important to her.

Listen to what she has to say. Learn more about the things that make her the girl she is. What are the things that interest her?

Flatter as much as possible. You probably would love to call them compliments, they work wonders. Compliments go to places you can never reach in a girl’s heart with your plain words. The rest you do as a real man does.

Be smart. Be a well kept guy; make sure you smell fresh all the time you are with her. Your clothing must be standard if you are out to impress. I sometime back bought a nice shirt at Woolworths and believe me it performed magic. So have your cool taste and class if you’re out to impress.

Remember special occasions. Special events are important for women. So you are the best if you do not forget about these dates. Keep birthdays in your head. Plan a special dinner for special events like this. You could also make up special events like the "half year anniversary of the first time you shared ice cream” or something like that. She will appreciate this gesture. Am out.
