Is that a sign post hanging on a tree?

Editor, Right opposite the City Plaza building in Kigali city is this sign post hanging on a tree. It has been there for a couple of months now. As an environmentalist, I am daily bothered by that sign post every time I pass by that road. There is nothing wrong with the sign post, except that it is in the wrong place.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The right sign post but in the wrong place


Right opposite the City Plaza building in Kigali city is this sign post hanging on a tree. It has been there for a couple of months now. As an environmentalist, I am daily bothered by that sign post every time I pass by that road.

There is nothing wrong with the sign post, except that it is in the wrong place.

Hanging sign posts on trees is unfriendly to the environment and at a time when we are in a massive tree planting campaign. If you don’t believe me, REMA should at least check it out and bring it down since its demoting what you claim to be promoting; this is a tip that you can start working on.

Logically, placing sigh posts on tress doesn’t add up because when these trees grow taller and taller, it will be impossible for road users to read them. At the end of the day, the sigh post’s purpose and message loses meaning because it is hidden within the leaves.

The answer is so simple, instead of using trees, buy cheap metallic bars and nail your traffic signs on them before you go on damaging our trees. 

Leaving other factors constant, Traffic Police should be our role model because road safety would mean nothing to us when you are not protecting our environment.

Peggy Muramira