STORY CORNER : A king betrayed

Once upon a time there was a very powerful king called Finn. He was respected in his village by all his subjects but he did not have a wife. One time when he was moving around the village he saw a very beautiful woman called Fiona and he decided he wanted to marry her. The next morning, he went and talked to her father and he agreed to give him Fiona for a wife. 

Monday, November 23, 2009

Once upon a time there was a very powerful king called Finn. He was respected in his village by all his subjects but he did not have a wife.

One time when he was moving around the village he saw a very beautiful woman called Fiona and he decided he wanted to marry her. The next morning, he went and talked to her father and he agreed to give him Fiona for a wife.

When Fiona was told about what the king had asked, she did not say no because she was afraid of the king. 
The king organized to have a wedding but he did not know Fiona did not like him.

On the night of the wedding Fiona called one of the king’s servants and told him that she did not like the king but she did not know what to do.

The servant refused to help Fiona but she told him that she would prefer getting married to him instead of getting married to the king.

The servant made a plan with her and they escaped to the nearest village. When the king woke up in the morning, his bride to be was missing and so was one of his servants.

The king called the other servants and told them to go and look for the two people that had betrayed him.

Fiona walked the whole night and by morning she was so tired. She told the servant that she wanted to rest but the servant told her if they stopped, the king would catch up with them.

Fiona tried to walk but she was so tired to move so they decided to rest under a tree shade. 

The king’s men came searching and they found them sleeping. The king asked Fiona why she had run away with his servant.

She told him that she did not want be his wife but she was afraid to tell him.

The king was so disappointed but he did not punish them. The king understood but he told his servant that next time he finds a problem he should just tell him instead of running away.

Later, the king found someone else to who wanted to get married to him. They had two sons and three daughters.

When you are face with a problem don’t run away but deal with it and find a solution